At the time of this writing, the Australian dollar hovers around $0.70 USD. Fluidesign boats in North America are priced in US dollars. Although they are manufactured in Canada and the Canadian dollar is also weak against the USD, most of the component parts are sourced in the United States. The United States is the largest market, by far, for the finished sculls.
In the past we have purchased and imported the full range of single scull models in the most popular sizes and at least one boat (usually a clear coat elite) in every size. Given the current position of the Australian dollar, that will no longer be possible. From now on all new boats will have to be special ordered and priced according to the exchange rates at the time. We will need a minimum of 10 boats to justify a container. Therefore, there may be a considerable lag between when the boat is ordered and its delivery. Boats commingled with other freight in containers has proved expensive and greatly increased the chance that the boats would be damaged in transit. The freight often takes circuitous routes, is unloaded and reloaded several times before it reaches Australia.
At current exchange rates, prices in AUD inclusive of GST would be somewhere in the order of:- Blue Max: $19,150, clear-coat Elite: $16,500, painted Elite (any automotive colour with painted or clear-coat decks): $14,150, Fluidfirst (white only): $12,600. These prices will, of course, fluctuate with the exchange rates. There is currently a tariff of 5% on boats imported from Canada. GST is applied to the value of the goods including the tariff and to the freight cost. Shipping charges are priced in US dollars and average USD $7,500 for a 40 foot container.
Current inventory will remain at the old prices while supplies last. The Fluidfirst boats in stock are an exceptional value at $2,500 below the equivalent quality domestic offerings and they are faster! They share the same hull shape, construction, fittings and speed of their elite counterparts. The only differences are the track foot stretcher adjustment and the paint only carbon fibre cloth.
We will be attending the major regattas in NSW, the Nationals and the Masters Nationals during the current rowing season.